
Recently added diagrams and projects

High Power Amplifier 300W
High Power Amplifier 300W
April 13, 2010

For many application there's no substitute for sheer power- low efficiency speakers, outdoor sound systems, or maybe you like the full flavour of the dynamic range of a high power amp. Whatever your requirement-this super... [more]

Power amplifier 60W Class A
Power amplifier 60W Class A
April 13, 2010

There is one amplifier configuration that is universally accepted as the ideal for audio use: Class A operation . Many early amplifiers operated in Class A, but as output powers rose above 10W the problems... [more]

Power Amplifier 170W
Power Amplifier 170W
April 13, 2010

In the drawing he appear simple but powerful power amplifier. His difference with the classic designings, that use differential amplifier in their input, they are that this amplifier it uses a completed the NE5534, in... [more]

Power amplifier 2X18W with TDA1516Q
Power amplifier 2X18W with TDA1516Q
April 13, 2010

In a lot of cars, the car-radios use amplifiers that their output power does not exceed the 5W with enough distortion in the limits of power. The problem is untied with the utilisation of external... [more]

Power Amplifier 35W with LM391
Power Amplifier 35W with LM391
April 13, 2010

A power amplifier that is based on the LM391, that is a complete driver of power transistors. It does not need despite few external elements in order to it works. [more]

Power Amplifier 45W with HEXFET
Power Amplifier 45W with HEXFET
April 13, 2010

A ideal solution for the make a good, low cost power amplifier. It’s a ideal solution for the creation a system of home cinema. [more]

Simple Power amplifier 50W in 8 ohm
Simple Power amplifier 50W in 8 ohm
April 13, 2010

In the circuit exist a simple power amplifier 60W in the 8 ohm and 80W in the 4 ohm, with components that sure exist in big quantities. It can be used in home cinema systems... [more]

Power amplifier 65W with HEXFET
Power amplifier 65W with HEXFET
April 13, 2010

A medium power amplifier that is characterized by a lot of good sound quality, but simultaneously is very simple in the construction. [more]

Mini Power Amplifier 30W
Mini Power Amplifier 30W
April 13, 2010

Many times we needed a small power amplifier, but good quality, made from distinguishable components. The design does not have any innovation. In the power stage exist a pair of transistors Darlington in package TOP3,... [more]

Power Amplifier 50W [Osu IEEE]
Power Amplifier 50W [Osu IEEE]
April 13, 2010

This simple audio power amplifier was originally designed for a circuit board workshop, conducted by the OSU IEEE Student Group. At the workshop, 20 participants each constructed this amplifier, by etching and drilling the single... [more]

