
Recently added diagrams and projects

Collection of three Clock Generators
Collection of three Clock Generators
April 24, 2010

Here exist a small collection from three generators, what using crystal for basic production of oscillations. Each generator uses different topology of circuit for the production of oscillations. [more]

Tester VK6F
Tester VK6F
April 23, 2010

The design shown will test PNP and NPN transistors, diodes and SCRs both "in-situ" (equipment of course de-energised) and also by direct connection to a stand-alone component. It is a simple GO/NOGO test which can... [more]

High Temperature ALARM
High Temperature ALARM
April 23, 2010

The circuit is small regulatorof temperature, us warns for the increase of temperature. The control of temperature becomes from the thermistor TH1, that is negative factor. [more]

Digital Frequency Meter 1HZ - 1MHZ
Digital Frequency Meter 1HZ - 1MHZ
April 23, 2010

This circuit is a frequency meter, low cost. [more]

Digital Volt and Ampere meter
Digital Volt and Ampere meter
April 23, 2010

Even if the digital multimeters have dominated in a lot of applications, in the measurement, exist the need for existence of instruments of clue in various appliances, voltage and current, as in power supply or... [more]

DC Voltmeter with high impedance
DC Voltmeter with high impedance
April 23, 2010

The MOSFET input of the CA3140 makes it ideally suited for use in a high impedance DC voltmeter. Switch S1 is the range selector. The input impedance is limited to 10M by the resistors used... [more]

Flasher with 2 Led
Flasher with 2 Led
April 23, 2010

The circuit is based on the IC1 that is 555, for the creation of alternate flashes from the two led D1-2, that can be also different colour. The frequency of alternation can be regulated from... [more]

Touch Dimmer
Touch Dimmer
April 23, 2010

With this circuit we can change the brightness of lamb, with a only key of touch. The key of touch is connected in the circuit, center of which is a special completed IC1, which is... [more]

Photo detector
Photo detector
April 23, 2010

This circuit give low level output, when exist enough lighting, that is a detector of light. It can give, say ,command turn on somebodies lights, when fall the dark. His exit is compatible with TTL... [more]

Electronic Switch ON-OFF touch or with push button
Electronic Switch ON-OFF touch or with push button
April 23, 2010

Here we have three choices, with which we can make electronic switches that use our touch or pressing (push button). We thus exploit the very big resistance of entry, that present the gates CMOS. [more]

