
Recently added diagrams and projects

Telephone In-Use Indicator
Telephone In-Use Indicator
April 28, 2010

Telephone In-Use Indicator [more]

32 KHz oscillator using a watch crystal
32 KHz oscillator using a watch crystal
April 28, 2010

The output can be fed to a 15 stage binary counter to obtain a 1 second square wave. The circuit on the left using the 4069 inverter is recommended over the transistor circuit and produces... [more]

1 Second Time Base From Crystal Oscillator
1 Second Time Base From Crystal Oscillator
April 28, 2010

Two cascaded 12 stage counters (CD4040) form a 24 stage binary counter and the appropriate bits are gated together to produce the desired division. Using a crystal of some even multiple of 2 is desirable... [more]

Reading Data From The Parallel Port
Reading Data From The Parallel Port
April 28, 2010

An external 5 volt power supply is used to provide high logic levels to the input pins when the switches are open. Three 1.5 volt batteries in series can be used to obtain 4.5 volts... [more]

Parallel Port Relay Interface
Parallel Port Relay Interface
April 28, 2010

Parallel Port Relay Interface [more]

PC Serial Receiver
PC Serial Receiver
April 28, 2010

PC Serial Receiver (57.6K Baud / TTL & CMOS) [more]

PC Serial Port Receiver
PC Serial Port Receiver
April 28, 2010

This circuit was designed to control a 32 channel Christmas light show from the PC serial port. Originally designed with TTL logic, it has been simplified using CMOS circuits to reduce component count. [more]

Negative Ionizer
Negative Ionizer
April 25, 2010

Negative Ionizer [more]

RF Amplifier Wide Band (40MHZ)
RF Amplifier Wide Band (40MHZ)
April 25, 2010

The sensitivity of receiver it is possible to increase itself considerably, if is interfered, between this and his aerial, a amplifier RF. The amplifier of circuit, does not use in resonant circuits and for this... [more]

Air Ionizer
Air Ionizer
April 25, 2010

When in atmosphere exists accumulation of negative ions, it has been proved medical, that the human organism reacts favourably. Opposite happens when exists accumulation of positive ions. [more]

