
Recently added diagrams and projects

Phono Preamplifier
Phono Preamplifier
October 16, 2010

In recent years, following CD's introduction, vinyl recordings are almost disappeared. Nevertheless, a phono preamplifier is still useful for listening old vinyl discs from a well preserved collection. [more]

Dome Lamp Dimmer
Dome Lamp Dimmer
October 16, 2010

There are times when a little light inside the car would greatly assist one of the passengers but the dome light is too bright for safe driving. [more]

Doorbell for the Deaf
Doorbell for the Deaf
October 16, 2010

This circuit provides a delayed visual indication when a door bell switch is pressed. In addition, a DPDT switch can be moved from within the house which will light a lamp in the door bell... [more]

0-50V 2A Bench power supply
0-50V 2A Bench power supply
October 15, 2010

0-50V 2A Bench power supply [more]

Adjustable Strobe Light
Adjustable Strobe Light
October 15, 2010

This one uses a much more powerful "horse shoe" Xenon tube which produces more light. You can also control the flash rate up to about 20Hz. Do not look directly at the flash tube when... [more]

Knightrider lights for model cars
Knightrider lights for model cars
October 15, 2010

This simple circuit drives 6 LEDs in 'Knightrider scanner mode'. Power consumption depends mainly on the type of LEDs used if you use a 7555 (555 CMOS version). [more]

Portable Microphone Preamplifier
Portable Microphone Preamplifier
October 15, 2010

This circuit is mainly intended to provide common home stereo amplifiers with a microphone input. The battery supply is a good compromise: in this manner the input circuit is free from mains low frequency hum... [more]

Telephone line monitor
Telephone line monitor
October 14, 2010

If you feel that somebody is tampering with your telephone line you might find this little circuit useful. It detects if there is another telephone connected to the line, if there is a short or... [more]

10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply
10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply
October 13, 2010

The circuit will give us 10 amps (12 amps surge) with performance that equals or exceeds any commercial unit. The circuit even has a current limiting feature which is a more reliable system than most... [more]

Ni -Cd Batteries Charger
Ni -Cd Batteries Charger
October 13, 2010

Ni -Cd Batteries Charger [more]

