
Recently added diagrams and projects

Nocturnal Animals Whisker
Nocturnal Animals Whisker
October 20, 2010

his circuit proved very useful in keeping away from a terrace or a porch some bats and other nocturnal animals. You can use it for similar or different purposes. The lamp illuminates at a 4-5... [more]

Fixed Voltage Power Supply
Fixed Voltage Power Supply
October 20, 2010

The fixed voltage power supply is useful in applications where an adjustable output is not required. This supply is simple, but very flexable as the voltage it outputs is dependant only on the regulator and... [more]

Headphone Amplifier
Headphone Amplifier
October 20, 2010

High Quality unit. No need for a preamplifier. [more]

High Current Power Supply
High Current Power Supply
October 20, 2010

High Current Power Supply [more]

Magnetic Gun
Magnetic Gun
October 18, 2010

When optimally tuned, it will propel a small slug about 1.5 metres high, or 2.5 metres horizontally. [more]

October 18, 2010

This is a variation on the astable multivibrator. Circuit was recently developed to test for N-mosfets(the power kind e.g irf830) [more]

Time Delay Relay II
Time Delay Relay II
October 17, 2010

When activated by pressing a button, this time delay relay will activate a load after a specified amount of time. This time is adjustable to whatever you want simply by changing the value of a... [more]

Time Delay Relay
Time Delay Relay
October 17, 2010

A time delay relay is a relay that stays on for a certain amount of time once activated. This time delay relay is made up of a simple adjustable timer circuit which controls the actual... [more]

Personal alarm
Personal alarm
October 16, 2010

This circuit, enclosed in a small plastic box, can be placed into a bag or handbag. A small magnet is placed close to the reed switch and connected to the hand or the clothes of... [more]

Live-line Detector
Live-line Detector
October 16, 2010

If the unit is brought close to a live conductor (insulated, and even buried in plaster) capacitive coupling between the live conductor and the probe clocks the counter, and causes the LED to flash 5... [more]

