This circuit was developed since a number of visitors of this website requested a timer capable of emitting a beep after one, two, three minutes and so on, for jogging purposes. [more]
This dual polarity power supply is easy to build, requires few parts, and is adjustable from 0-15 volts. It is great for powering op amp circuits, as well as other circuits that require a dual... [more]
This circuit uses a 1458 dual op-amp to form a radar detector. [more]
This schematic is version of a simple 10 LED chaser. There is no 555 timer used because at my local electronics store they are over $4 Cdn. Instead, an oscillator made up of two sections... [more]
his remote transmits a tone using an infa-red LED. This tone is decoded by the receiver. Since the receiver only switches when it "hears" the tone, there are no accidental activations. [more]
This is a single channel (on / off) universal switch that may be used with any Infra Red remote control that uses wavelengths between 850-950nm. [more]
Minimum parts counting Designed for 3V battery operation [more]
The purpose of this circuit was to create a ring in which LEDs or Lamps illuminate sequentially. Its main feature is a high versatility: you can build a loop containing any number of LEDs or... [more]