
FM transmitter circuit diagrams

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Opamp VHF FM Transmitter
Opamp VHF FM Transmitter
September 27, 2010

ICs that in the past were far too expensive for the hobbyist tend to be more favourably priced these days. An example of this is the AD8099 from Analog Devices. This opamp is available for... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/opamp-vhf-fm-transmitter.html

Medium-Power FM Transmitter
Medium-Power FM Transmitter
September 27, 2010

The range of this FM transmitter is around 100 meters at 9V DC supply. The circuit comprises three stages. The first stage is a microphone preamplifier built around BC548 transistor. The next stage is a... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/range-of-this-fm-transmitter-is-around.html

A small FM transmitter (SMD)
A small FM transmitter (SMD)
June 22, 2010

This SMD FM transmitter has an operating frequency of about 80 to 115MHz. Under reasonable circumstances you will be able to receive its signal at a distance of about 200 meters. [more]

15W Fm-transmitter
15W Fm-transmitter
June 22, 2010

It's stable and has output of 15-18 watts. This enough to terrorize your wide surroundings at the fm-band. [more]

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