his circuit is built from standard components and can easily be adapted to be controlled by a computer. If you use cheap surplus transistors and stepper motor, the price of the circuit can be kept... [more]
Often, people attempt to control DC motors with a variable resistor or variable resistor connected to a transistor. While the latter approach works well, it generates heat and hence wastes power. [more]
The 555 Ic is wired as an astable and the frequency is constant and independent of the duty cycle, as the total resistance (R charge + R discharge, notice the diode) is constant and equal... [more]
The ckt is built around two 555 timer ICs. U1 and U2. U1 is wired as a variable duty cycle oscillator with a constant time period of around 0.1 second. Duty cycle can be varied... [more]
This is a very good integrated circuit. There is no need for any external glue logic to drive the circuit, there is only 2 pins to drive the motor, one for controlling the direction and... [more]
One reason why commercial soldering stations are expensive is that, in general, they require the use of soldering irons with inbuilt temperature sensors, such as thermocouples. This circuit eliminates the need for a special sensor... [more]
circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/temperature-controlled-soldering-iron.html
In this circuit, an SCR is used to slowly vary the intensity of a 120 volt light bulb by controlling the time that the AC line voltage is applied to the lamp during each half... [more]
Stepper motors are available in several versions and sizes with a variety of operating voltages. The advantage of this general-purpose controller is that is can be used with a wide range of operating voltages, from... [more]
circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/stepper-motor-controller.html