
LED and light circuit diagrams

Mains Operated LED Circuit Schematic
Mains Operated LED Circuit Schematic
October 2, 2010

Here is a simple and powerful LED circuit that can be operated directly from the AC 100 volt to AC 230 Volts mains supply. The circuit can be used as mains power locator or night... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2009/09/mains-operated-led-circuit-schematic.html

Multicolor HD LED
Multicolor HD LED
October 2, 2010

Most PC enclosures provide only a single LED to indicate hard disk access, with the LED being connected to the motherboard via a two-pin connector. However, this LED only works with IDE drives, and if... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/multicolor-hd-led.html

One Of Nine Sequencer
One Of Nine Sequencer
October 2, 2010

This novel circuit uses a flashing LED as the clock input for a 4017 decade counter. Typical flashing LEDs (eg, DSE cat Z-4044) flash at about 2Hz so the outputs Q0-Q9 will cycle through at... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/one-of-nine-sequencer.html

Portable Lamp Flasher
Portable Lamp Flasher
October 2, 2010

Here is a portable, high-power incandescent electric lamp flasher. It is basically a dual flasher (alternating blinker) that can handle two separate 230V AC loads (bulbs L1 and L2). The circuit is fully transistorised and... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/portable-lamp-flasher.html

Smooth Flasher Circuit Diagram
Smooth Flasher Circuit Diagram
October 2, 2010

Ordinary LED flashers turn the LED on and off abruptly, which can get a little irritating after a while. The circuit shown here is more gentle on the eyes: the light intensity changes very slowly... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/smooth-flasher-circuit-diagram.html

Solar Lamp Using PR4403
Solar Lamp Using PR4403
October 2, 2010

The PR4403 is an enhanced cousin of the PR4402 40mA LED driver. It has an extra input called LS which can be taken low to turn the LED on. This makes it very easy to... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/solar-lamp-using-pr4403.html

Two-Led Pilot Light
Two-Led Pilot Light
October 2, 2010

This circuit is designed on request and can be useful to those whishing to have, say, a red LED illuminated when an appliance is on and a green LED illuminated when the same appliance is... [more]

Ultra Bright LED Lamp
Ultra Bright LED Lamp
October 2, 2010

This ultra-bright white LED lamp works on 230V AC with minimal power consumption. It can be used to illuminate VU meters, SWR meters, etc. Ultra-bright LEDs available in the market cost Rs 8 to 15.... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/ultra-bright-led-lamp.html

AC 220 Volts Flashing Lamps Circuit
AC 220 Volts Flashing Lamps Circuit
September 30, 2010

This circuit is intended as a reliable replacement to thermally-activated switches used for Christmas tree lamp-flashing. The device formed by Q1, Q2 and related resistors triggers the SCR. Timing is provided by R1, R2 &... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2009/08/ac-220-volts-flashing-lamps-circuit.html

12V Dimmer
12V Dimmer
September 27, 2010

A dimmer is quite unusual in a caravan or on a boat. Here we describe how you can make one. So if you would like to be able to adjust the mood when you’re entertaining... [more]

circuit from:http://www.extremecircuits.net/2010/05/12v-dimmer.html
