The op-amp is basically a differential amplifier having a large voltage gain, very high input impedance and low output impedance. The op-amp has a "inverting" or (-) input and "noninverting" or (+) input and a... [more]
Transistor / Diode / IC (DIP) Outlines [more]
This circuit uses an LM11 to form a voltage follower with 1G ohm input resistance built using standard resistor values. With the input disconnected, the input offset voltage is multiplied by the same factor as... [more]
Although modern integrated circuit operational amplifiers ease linear circuit design, IC processing limits amplifier output power. Many applications, however, require substantially greater output voltage swing or current (or both) than IC amplifiers can deliver. In... [more]
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Typically the op-amp's very large gain is controlled by negative feedback, which largely determines the magnitude of its output ("closed-loop") voltage gain in amplifier applications, or the transfer function required (in analog computers). Without negative... [more]
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For a collector follower with emitter resistor, you’ll often find that the gain per stage is no more than 10 to 50 times. The gain increases when the emitter resistor is omitted. Unfortunately, the distortion... [more]
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