The simple conjuring trick is intended to provide some enjoyment for the beginner in electronics or conjuring, and should take only an hour or two to build. [more]
When optimally tuned, it will propel a small slug about 1.5 metres high, or 2.5 metres horizontally. [more]
This electronic game pits a human player against the ‘machine’. The opponents use a common ‘game token’ and take turns moving along a path by one, two or three steps, and the winner is the... [more]
circuit from:
This circuit is a small digital roulette''. It is constituted by oscillator IC1, the counter IC2, the transistors Q1-7 that drive the display common cathode DSP1. The supply basically becomes from a battery 9V, but... [more]
The particular circuit is substantially a generator of accidental numbers, from 1 until the 6. The clue him we see in a line from led, that each one corresponds also in a number from the... [more]
The circuit turns on a light corresponding to the first of several buttons pressed in a "Who's First" game. Three stages are shown but the circuit can be extended to include any number of buttons... [more]
Because of obvious reasons, the millipede is NOT going to have 1000 feet!!! Instead, it's going to have 16 pager motors as feet. It will also have 3 MicroMotors to ''bend'' towards light, and a... [more]
This launch controller can be used with low voltage battery igniters, which fire rocket engines in model rockets such as the Estes range. [more]