Audio Note Conquest Power amp. with 300B [more]
It's a classic designing of final amplifier 35 W, with two EL34 in push-pull, from the Siemens and Halske, with year of designing 24/3/1953 and code SV410/1. The amplifier it worked from 1954 until 1989,... [more]
The example below illustrates using an op-amp as an audio amplifier for a simple intercom. A small 8 ohm speaker is used as a microphone which is coupled to the op-amp input through a 0.1uF... [more]
Here is a little audio amplifier similar to what you might find in a small transistor radio. The input stage is biased so that the supply voltage is divided equally across the two complimentary output... [more]
Improved 3 Transistor Audio Amp (80 milliwatt) [more]
2 x 18W Hi-Fi Stereo Power Amplifier based around two TDA2030 ICs. It has good input sensitivity, low distortion, good operating stability and full protection against overloads and output short-circuits. It can be used as... [more]
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High Quality very simple unit, No need for a preamplifier [more]
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