A medium power amplifier that is characterized by a lot of good sound quality, but simultaneously is very simple in the construction. [more]
Many times we needed a small power amplifier, but good quality, made from distinguishable components. The design does not have any innovation. In the power stage exist a pair of transistors Darlington in package TOP3,... [more]
This simple audio power amplifier was originally designed for a circuit board workshop, conducted by the OSU IEEE Student Group. At the workshop, 20 participants each constructed this amplifier, by etching and drilling the single... [more]
A professional suggestion for those interested in improving sound. The circuit constitutes the part of input mixing console sound from the microphone or source of high level . It can be used on it's own... [more]
This you can place in the MODULES of inputs any circuit you want, depending on the use that you intend the MIXER, the same is also for the number of input channels, that you will... [more]
A simple circuit peak indicator of tops of musical signal. Each time where the level of signal exceeds the level + 4dB, turns on led D1. It is useful in each channel of console of... [more]
Circuit with electronic symmetrical input, with possibility of regulation of the gain from the pontesometer RV1 and the level of signal with the RV2. The quality of pontesometer RV1 (as other material), should be very... [more]
An application, which is considered, of very good quality sound since the entrance transistors are working at Class A. The quality of sound depends to a large extent on IC1, which must be of good... [more]
The circuit is a preamplifier with digital regulation intensity of sound. He is separated in three departments. [more]