
Audio amplifier circuit diagrams

Power Amplifier 8W
Power Amplifier 8W
August 6, 2010

Although the TDA2030 can deliver 20 watts of output power, I deliberately reduced the output power to about 8 watts to supply 10 watt speakers. Input sensitivity is 200mV. Higher input levels naturally will give... [more]

FET 12W Audio Power Amplifier
FET 12W Audio Power Amplifier
August 6, 2010

A small power amplifier, but with very good quality of sound. It combines a completed very good quality (NE5534), that has the possibility of control of low loads, high speed, low distortion and two transistors... [more]

Collection of Little Bridged Power Amplifiers
Collection of Little Bridged Power Amplifiers
August 6, 2010

It is a little collection of amplifiers in bridge connection. The output power is low and they are for general use. They can be used with small active loudspeakers, car stereos etc. The only restriction,... [more]

Headphone amplifier with TDA2004
Headphone amplifier with TDA2004
August 6, 2010

A opamp. medium power, here it‘s used as amplifier of headphones with possibility drive low loads. It contains in a nutshell two amplifiers. [more]

Headphone amplifier Class A
Headphone amplifier Class A
August 6, 2010

Even if simple the circuit, plirej' all condition, regarding the distortion and the response of frequency. The resistance of entry is 250K and the load that can drive is between 100R and 2K. [more]

Headphone Class A Amplifier
Headphone Class A Amplifier
August 6, 2010

It is a very useful thing , to have a small headphone amplifier , capable of driving a couple of pairs phones. Fortunately, the headphone amp has a much easier job to do, in that... [more]

Audio Note Conquest Power amp with 300B
Audio Note Conquest Power amp with 300B
August 6, 2010

Audio Note Conquest Power amp. with 300B [more]

Tube Power Amplifier with EL34 - 35W
Tube Power Amplifier with EL34 - 35W
August 6, 2010

It's a classic designing of final amplifier 35 W, with two EL34 in push-pull, from the Siemens and Halske, with year of designing 24/3/1953 and code SV410/1. The amplifier it worked from 1954 until 1989,... [more]

Tube Power amp Dynaco ST-70
Tube Power amp Dynaco ST-70
August 6, 2010

Tube Power amp. Dynaco ST-70 [more]

Tube power amplifier 3W with 6BX7
Tube power amplifier 3W with 6BX7
August 6, 2010

Tube power amplifier 3W with 6BX7 [more]
