The main requirement was to power the circuit by means of a common, PP3 (transistor radio) alkaline battery. So, implementing a low current drawing circuit was absolutely necessary, though preserving a High Quality performance. [more]
This light-weight gadget produces an adjustable gain on sounds picked up from the built-in high-sensitivity condenser microphone. So you can hear what you have been missing. With a 6V (4×1.5V) battery, it produces good results.... [more]
circuit from:
The TDA7294 amplifier module is a monolithic integrated circuit. It is intended for use as an audio class AB amplifier in hi-fi applications. It has a wide voltage range and output current capability, enabling it... [more]
This circuit [Fig.1] is a class AB stereo audio power amplifier designed by Quasar for quality hi-fi applications using a TDA2005 module. It is easy to construct and has a minimum of external components. The... [more]
A simple STEREO amplifier, with minimal external components. It use one only opamp., that is capable to give output power 2X5W in the 4 ohms, with distortion 0.5%. [more]
The amplifier of circuit, use negative current feedback. So, the load current depends mainly from the input signal and no so much from the impedance of loudspeaker. [more]
This is an audio power amplifier, with its final stage giving 40 W/8 Ω at Class A. The power transistors, are always ON , allowing a very high current to flow. [more]
This circuit was designed and manufactured the '80's. From then it works without problem. It does not present any particular constructional problem, beyond known: the attention in the provided force of power supply - choice... [more]
One still designing that it uses in the exit transistor of technology V-mosfet. This transistors to us offer a lot of virtues concerning the simple bipolar transistors, as high speeds, thermic stability, low distortion etc. [more]